Differences Between Ternary Batteries and Lithium Batteries

Lithium ion ternary battery refers to a battery that uses lithium ions as charge transfer. Its main material is composed of three elements, usually nickel, cobalt, and manganese, hence it is called ternary.

Lithium ion ternary battery refers to a battery that uses lithium ions as charge transfer. Its main material is composed of three elements, usually nickel, cobalt, and manganese, hence it is called ternary.

Compared to lithium batteries, ternary batteries have some differences in battery performance and characteristics:

Capacity and energy density: Ternary batteries have higher capacity and energy density compared to traditional lithium batteries, that is, they can store more electricity per unit volume or mass. This means that ternary batteries can provide longer range and are suitable for high energy applications.

Safety: Due to the relatively small amount of cobalt used in ternary batteries, compared to some lithium batteries, ternary batteries have better safety. Cobalt is a kind of material prone to Thermal runaway and oxidation. Excessive temperature may lead to cobalt pyrolysis in the battery, and further lead to battery overheating, fire or even explosion. The use of ternary composite materials, especially reducing cobalt content, can help improve the safety performance of batteries.

Cycle life: Compared to lithium batteries, ternary batteries have better cycle life and smaller capacity degradation. Cycle life refers to the number of times a battery can be continuously used during charging and discharging cycles, while capacity decay refers to the gradual loss of energy storage capacity during use. 
The design and materials of ternary batteries can reduce capacity degradation, enabling them to maintain high performance in long-term use.

It should be noted that there are still various chemical combinations and technical configurations between different lithium batteries and ternary batteries. Therefore, in specific applications, different battery types may have differences in other characteristics and applicability. When purchasing batteries, it is necessary to consider factors such as capacity, energy density, safety, and cycle life based on demand, and select the most suitable battery type and specification.

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